Meet Toby Tatum

Meet Toby Tatum

Toby Tatum earned his bachelor’s degree in Management from Sonoma State University and his Master’s Degree in Business Administration from San Francisco State University.

Immediately after graduating from San Francisco State University, Toby along with his brother Tom bought their parents’ Sizzler Family Steak House in Santa Rosa, California. Beginning with eleven employees they grew the business to owning six Sizzlers, employing two hundred seventy-five people serving a million customers a year. In conjunction with his Sizzler restaurant career, Toby served on the National Sizzler Franchisee Association Board of Trustees and on the California Restaurant Association’s Board of Directors. Toby and his brother have long since exited the restaurant business.

Toby earned the Certified Business Intermediary designation from the International Business Brokers’ Association. With that, he became a licensed real estate broker in Nevada specializing in the listing and sale of small businesses. In this capacity, Toby became an instructor for the Key Real Estate school in Las Vegas teaching their twenty-four- hour pre-licensing course in business brokerage pursuant to obtaining Nevada’s required Business Broker Permit.

Toby earned the Certified Business Appraiser designation from the Institute of Business Appraisers. The Certified Business Appraiserdesignation is one of the most highly esteemed business appraisal designations in the world.Toby received his Certified Valuation Analyst designation from the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts.

Toby has served on the Institute of Business Appraisers Board of Directors, and is a former Editor-In-Chief of that institution’s quarterly journal Business Appraisal Practice. Toby has published five books, many peer-reviewed articles in professional business appraiser journals and has been a guest speaker at several business appraiser conferences. Toby was cited by the National Association of Certified Valuation Analyst’s as an Industry Titan meaning he was one of fifty-nine individuals who were recognized as the most influential Professional Financial Consultants in the world.

Toby is a member of the Southern Nevada chapter of Mensa and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He served in a high-casualty combat company of the First Air Cavalry Division, United States Army, Republic of Vietnam and is a recipient of the Bronze Star.